Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Work & Play

Yesterday morning was a work morning; the afternoon was play. I got a pretty good night's sleep Tuesday night, for a change, so I was up in good season and cleaned up the kitchen while Ellen took Max to camp in Jackson. When she got back, we went together over to the house and put in some time cleaning up the garage, which was just a mess with stuff all over the floor; we did a lot of sweeping and organized a whole bunch of trash for a run to the dump. We also brought trash out from inside the house.There were ten huge black construction bags full by the time we finished, plus a lot of wood scraps. If we could bring those scraps home, we'd have a supply of kindling to last for years! However, I am at least salvaging ceramic tiles to bring back and use in my downstairs bathroom.

We got things ready for a dump run but didn't actually go to the dump. The law requires that everything be tied down and covered, and Paul has to do that. He was busy with the electrician ("Steve") who was at the house; the kitchen range got hooked up, among other things. Bit by bit!

After that work stint,  we came home for lunch, and at 2:30p.m., we picked up Aubrey Bell, the younger of the two girls who used to live next door, and we went back up to Jackson, picked up Max at the school where Camp Invention was being held (the John Colter Elementary School),  let them play a while at the school playground where the camp is being held (a fantastically well-equipped playground) and then went to see Toy Story IV. What a wonderful movie! An engaging story-line and incredibly creative animation. And the theater has new seats: every seat is now a recliner! I wonder what that cost! And I wonder how many people now go to sleep during the movie? I didn't go to sleep.

Woody and "Sporky" - a new character in Toy Story IV
 After the movie we went to Jackson Whole Grocer for supper - pizza for E, M & A, soup for me.

The playground at John Colter School

Max and Aubrey on a climbing apparatus...
...and on a whirley-gig thing.
Happy boy!
We were just finishing up supper when the first 2020 Democrat presidential candidates' debate started (7p.m., Mountain Time), so we weren't able to watch, but we caught the end after we got home and watched some post-debate discussion. I think we can watch the second debate tonight. When asked, "what is the greatest threat facing the U.S. today," four or five candidates said, "climate change." That's a new development. One said "Donald Trump!"

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