Tuesday, June 4, 2019

This 'n That

Today began with a exploration of our new email account. Our email provider, FirstLight, acquired SoverNet some time ago, and we haven't seen much change in our service until today, when FirstLight "migrated" our account to a new platform (I think those are the right terms). Anyway, everything is different, new look, new password, new policies. The bottom line is that while I can access my Inbox online, I can no longer download it onto my computer, as I have been doing for the past 20 years or so. My "Mail" app has to be reconfigured in some way, and although John sent me a lot of useful information, I'm not able to wrap my brain around it, at least not today. At least I can read and send email by going to the FirstLight website.  But when we get home, I'll have to deal with the issue - probably with John's help!

I also spent a fair amount of time cutting up a large piece of plastic (a mattress came in it I think) into pieces that can be used to wrap things in for moving. This was a loose end - part of the garage cleanup. I also learned that Paul has more tiles over at the house he doesn't need (to supplement the samples in the garage),  and John says he has a saw blade that cuts tiles, so maybe I will take tiles home for the downstairs bathroom.

I stayed home most of the day to be with Max while Ellen did things, and we watched an episode of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch together. Max liked it. I thought it was pretty intense myself.

But then we drove to the Sporting Club where Jenny works to take Max to a golf lesson. We didn't stick around (actually, it was raining), but we got a glimpse of all the houses they have built there since last year. We heard later that the lesson went well.

Then after an early supper (turkey meatloaf, potato salad and asparagus - Yum!), I went to the Library (which is open until  8pm on Tuesdays) to get in a little digitizing time. Today I digitized a booklet titled New Ways of Working:A Gestalt Perspective. About 40+ years ago I got very interested in the whole idea of the meaning of work, and did quite a bit of reading and writing and speaking on it. This was prompted mainly by the fact that I had suddenly taken on the role of a college career counselor! I was educating myself. The 1970s was a time when people were re-thinking the world of work and I was fascinated by what was happening. It shaped a good part of my professional life for many years, e.g., as a teacher of "Management Ethics" and as someone who helped scores of adults in life planning and taking them through the process of getting "Life Experience Credit," i.e., college credit for what they had learned from their work. I'm afraid that a lot of what was being thought and contemplated back then has sort of gotten lost sight of today. The "good-paying job" (or just any job) has taken precedence over "meaningful work."

Gestalt psychology - a "wholistic" approach - applied to the concept of "work." Ahhh.. those were the days!!

I also turned a folder of old Guilford Church items into photos - including this newspaper photo taken 25 years ago this summer when the Guilford Church was being moved to a new location so that it could be enlarged. Shirley, and a member of the church, Barbara Oles, are bringing me lunch while I'm photographing and filming the whole event (this little scene was sort of staged for the reporter). That move, and the resulting new building, has proven to be a great thing for the Guilford Church - it exponentially increased its usefulness and ability to carry out its mission and be a community center.

"The ol' ark's a moverin'

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