Thursday, June 27, 2019

Picking up Max

Today I went over to the house around noon and tackled cleaning the stainless-steel kitchen sink which had been used as a utility sink during construction and was coated with gunk, especially some grey grout that had been used in making the concrete counter tops. It was a job, but I got it looking shiny again. As I remarked to Ellen, "God made fingernails for jobs just like this." She, meanwhile, was vacuuming and Paul was building a new railing at the top of the staircase  that would be safer than the temporary one that was there.

After a bit more cleaning-up, we came back to the condo, made a snack and headed up to Jackson to pick up Max from camp. Today he made a little boat. Max opted for a trip to Moo's -  the best ice-cream in Jackson. We had fun sitting outside eating our ice-cream while sitting next to the statues and watching Japanese tourists taking pictures of each other. Then we came home.

Picking up Max
Eating ice-cream with Mark Twain and Huck Finn
Tourists are particularly attracted to this elk
What is this? This wooden structure was beside the road near the Colter school where Max's camp was held. It is old and weathered. Ellen thinks it has something to do with hay, but I couldn't figure out what it's function was.

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