Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Big day went well!

Well, Rob's convocation went really well. We understand that in the past, his predecessor presided over a very dry, dull affair with lots of emphasis on rules and regulations. Not today!  Rob started out with a game. He had devised a True/false quiz about the life and work of the English Baroque composer, Henry Purcell (the subject of Rob's doctoral dissertation). He had everyone stand up, and if you thought the statement about Purcell was true, you put your hand on your head. False, you put your hand on your tail. Wrong answer - you sat down. Last one standing was the winner. It took at least a dozen or more questions to winnow the audience down to about six people standing, and eventually a student won the prize -  a $20 campus gift card. There was a lot of laughter and cheering. It was a great idea.

Then three department heads each introduced in turn a new faculty appointment in their department. Jeremy Reger was introduced as the new vocal coach in opera, David Requiro, cello, and Jennifer Hayghe, piano. Each performed, and wow, were they good! Jeremy Reger played the score of Strauss' Dance of the seven veils from Salome, and pulled  seven large, colorful veils from his sleeves  and pockets as he played. It was hilarious. David Requiro played the Largo from a sonata by Chopin, and it was beautiful. Jennifer Hayghe played an incredibly difficult, passionate piece by Scriabin and brought down the house.
Then Rob laid out a vision for the college - not "his" vision but one that has been forged collaboratively over the past year in a series of meetings and retreats, consisting of 5 pillars which build on the past strengths and uniqueness of the college and at the same time take it in new directions. It was quite an event! And many, many people came up to say hello to Betsey and tell her how glad they were to see her.

           Before the convocation

             Rob at the podium giving his talk

After the convocation, we waked a good little distance over to a private dining room for lunch for special guests, donors, advisory committee members, etc. We got to talk more with David Requiro, the cellist, who sat across from us. 

                                       Gathering for lunch

This was a very nice day, but tiring too for Betsey, and when we got home, she got a pretty long nap. Ellen made her wild rice salad with grilled chicken for supper, plus "green" soup (peas, lettuce, leeks, parsley, etc., blended). Yum! We had a nice walk after supper, as usual. 

For a CU summary of Rob's talk today go to 


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