Saturday, August 21, 2021

Seafood galore

We all went to the Claws restaurant in Rockland this evening for supper. It overlooks the harbor with outdoor dining. I ordered steamed clams and Katie ordered a boiled lobster, but when they brought our meals, they brought two boiled lobsters. We sent the second one back and said it wasn't ours, but the waitress brought it back again and said it was ours, it had been paid for and she needed to know what to do with it. I couldn't see letting a lobster go to waste, so I said I would take it, and I paid Katie for it.  So I ended up with steamed clams and a boiled lobster! I was able to eat the clams, and ate the tail meat of the lobster  and brought the rest home to eat tomorrow. It was good - I hadn't had a boiled lobster for ages - but I felt pretty stuffed! Afterward, we came home and watched the Red Sox for a while and then played Scrabble. That is, Mary, Ellen, Savanna and I played Scrabble and Jim and Katie watched the Red Sox. I guess I would have won, but I was left with a "z" in my hand when Ellen went out, which had to be subtracted (10 points!) from me and added to Ellen, so I came in last. We were all bunched together that closely. I was ready to play the "z" on a Triple Letter square just before Ellen went out, but Savanna played a word next to it just before me and that took away that opportunity. Oh well!

Otherwise it was a pretty quiet day. 

At the Claws restaurant 

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