Monday, May 18, 2015

A beautiful day

Today was just a perfect Vermont day. It was sunny, cool, a little breezy, a perfect day to be outside or inside. As it turned out, I spent much of it outside. First of all, we slept pretty late, then I got up and fixed tea and toast for Ellen and I to enjoy in bed (Ellen usually does this but today I did). Then I put out a load of wash to dry in the sun that I had run last night. I put it on a rack on the deck. A perfect place to dry. While I was at it, I brought out the deck table and chairs from the shed and set them up on the deck. The official start  of summer. Just on time, too, because John came by, and he and I sat on the deck and talked for at least three hours or even more. Ellen made some snacks for us to munch, but she enjoyed this time reading in bed- her favorite recreation. We covered a lot of topics: his favorite place in the world, Grand Manan Island, what's happening with Betsey, his workplace, what he's currently reading - a good talk. While we were talking, a wild turkey flew over the deck, wings fully extended, a rare and amazing sight.

After John left, Ellen and I went to the P.O., and then took a nice walk. Then we ate supper while we watched the PBS Newshour. A nice day! A beautiful day ! 

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