Monday, July 1, 2019

Ohmygosh, it's July!

It is July 1st! Summer is flying by! I'll have to confess that I am missing being at home at this time of year. Although, I was listening to New Hampshire Public Radio this morning (easy to do on the iPhone with the Public Radio app!), and I heard a forecast of temps in the 90s. Can't say I miss that! The weather here is gorgeous - it gets into the 50s or even the 40s at night, we sleep under two quilts, and daytime is sunny, cool, with low humidity, and usually a light breeze. Can't beat that. But still. . . .

This morning I was awake early, listening to the radio, but then I went back to sleep until 10a.m. Then I got up, fixed a smoothie and oatmeal, and ate breakfast on the front porch, comfortably in the shade. Later, when I opened my email Inbox, I found a letter from my seminary friend, Robb Lapp, telling me that our mutual seminary friend, Don Sevetson, is dying and in Hospice care. I haven't seen Don since I graduated in 1957, but he served in Appleton, WI just before I moved there in 1969, and later was a Conference Minister in the UCC on the Pacific Coast and in Hawaii for a time. So I took some time to reply to Robb, who I have seen more recently, but not for a few years. Robb and I attended the dedication of the new CTS building back in 2011 and Ellen and I visited him and his family in Arvada, CO in 2013.

A 2013 photo of  Ellen with Robb Lapp, his wife Jan (who has since passed away) and their great-granddaughter, Aubrey.

Since his wife's death, Robb has moved into a senior housing community in Arvada, where he is still actively involved in creating low-income housing communities through the UCC, something he has done much of his working life.

Back here in Alpine, Ellen is helping Max organize his bedroom; Paul is working on hooking up the washer/dryer, and I'm blogging!

Late this afternoon we watched The Professor and the Madman which is the amazing story of the formation of the Oxford English Dictionary.  The film is based on a book by Simon Winchester which I read years ago. The movie was much more intense than I remember the book being. The critics really have panned this film - it has had a checkered history in the making - but I would definitely give it two thumbs up.

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