Saturday, July 6, 2019

Fireworks and an evening walk

We had quite a fireworks show right at the house on the night of July 4th. The town of Alpine puts on a show, and we have gone to  it in the past, but the location of the new house made that unnecessary. Just going outside made it possible to see not only the town display, about a mile away or less, but also 5-6 other displays by private individuals. There were fireworks going off in virtually every direction for well over an hour!  They were all sort of in the distance, but not very far. Nothing right overhead, but quite satisfying nonetheless. My iPhone captured some interesting images - not sharply defined because of the distance, but more impressionistic.

Various fireworks impressions

Friday was a quiet day. We watched the original Pinocchio movie on the new TV set - I hadn't seen it for decades. I had forgotten a lot of the scenes, especially those in the stomach of the whale. That was fun. In the evening, after supper, Ellen and I took a walk in the neighborhood, in a different direction from the one I took a few days ago. This time we took a bike path over to the bridge that goes over the Snake River into "downtown" Alpine, and then came back via the highway to the corner where KJ's Super Stores is (where we would walk to for ice cream from the condo), and then back to the house by the road into Alpine Meadows (the name of the development Paul's house is in). Here are some scenes:

Melvin's (at left) and the beginning of the Palisades reservoir

Paul's house is right in the center

A salsify seed globe - so beautiful!

A house under construction

...and another. Both are sort of in the middle of nowhere and look a bit incongruous. I guess eventually other houses will be built and fill in around them.

The boat launch on to the Snake River

Today has dawned bright and clear and it is warming fast after a cold night which required we add a third quilt to the bed! We set up a temporary area out back in the sun for breakfast.

Max's friend Tayson (who often plays videogames with Max online) is coming over this afternoon.

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