Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Ellen and I are in Northhampton visiting the Feinlands. For a short time, Ben, Max and Tamar were all in the livingroom with us at the same time. But Ben wasn't feeling well; he got a Phizer booster shot yesterday and he feels sort of fluey. Then Max and Tamar went out with us to get ice cream, and now we are back and Tamar is getting ready to go somewhere and Max and Ellen are taking Theodore for a walk. We have learned from the conversation that Max has a "boyfriend" - Maison. We actually said "Hi" to Maison on the phone. And later, Max showed us a picture. He's pretty cute! His father is white and his mother is African-American/Native-American. That genetic diversity has really worked for him. Ben is exploring being a substitute teacher - he has sent in applications and paperwork but hasn't gotten any jobs yet. Tamar had a half-day of school today. I think Julie is upstairs, napping, at this point. I haven't taken any photos of the kids, but here is a nice one of where I am right now - the Feinland living-room.
The Feinland living room in Northhampton at 4:08p.m.***************************** On our way out of Brattleboro earlier, we stopped at Brown Computer and picked up this laptop. It has a new, 500MG hard drive, which is like a flash drive. It has a name but I forget what it is. I think it may be a BCS drive. No - BCS is the brand. It's an SSD - solid state drive. Here's the old one in a little plastic envelope. I assume the new one is very similar. Just 4x more storage.
An SSD***************************************************** It has been an absolutely beautiful day today in Northhampton. Cloudless sky and in the high 40's. But the sun is down now, almost. It's getting dusky. Oh, the other thing happening is that my left foot appears to be infected. I first noticed it last Saturday - my foot was red. I thought at first it was a rash. I wear heavy woolen socks at night (cold feet!)and thought they might be the problem. But after a couple of days that seemed unlikely. It looked more like an infection. So I went to Hearthstone yesterday - Jesper Brickley was out but his colleague, Dr. Alexandra van Dyke saw me. She thought it looked like a bite that got infected. So I am taking doxycycline. Too early to say whether it's helping.
Drs. Brickley and van Dyke LATER********************** People are back and Max moved into the kitchen.
Max making an apple pie

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