Sunday, November 28, 2021

A cozy day indeed!

We went to John and Cynthia's for a second Thanksgiving Day yesterday and we had a very cozy time sitting by their fire and talking. It was very restful after our somewhat chaotic day yesterday. Ellen waa busy in the morning preparing walnut/cheese balls, stuffing, apple crisp and pumpkin pie, while I fixed a late breakfast, made some calls, did some work on the computer, etc. We met Katie and Savannna briefly at the glassblower place on the Putney Craft Tour - they came up for that - but we didn't stay long, and then had to go back to the house because we had forgotten to bring the cranberry sauce - couldn't do without that! But we were at J&C's by 2:15p.m. or so, and immediately settled into their living room and admired their woodstove once again - a soapstone stove, which throws out a lovely, steady heat.
The soapstone stove. This photo was taken two years ago when it was initially installed. I forgot to take a picture of it when we were there yesterday. ******************************************* We ate cheese and crackers with hard cider and talked ... and talked! John asked am interesting question- This is the twentith anniversary of the emergence of Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping - which has been a very active anti-consumerism, pro-Earth movement, and John felt that it had evolved onto something more spiritual over time, and wondered, "What would it take to start an "Earth Church" locally? We talked about that a long time: what an "Earth Church" would be, how one would attract people to it, what kind of life and activity would it be involved in. He found something online coming out of Milwaukee, WI, the Wisconsin Earth Church, which seemed to be along those lines, and he read a long statement written a few years ago by a member of that group; a very thoughtful statement which was packed with issues worthy of extended discussion! So there was plenty to talk about. Then as the afternoo moved along, it was time for final preparations for our meal, and we sat down to that meal a bit after 6p.m. It was quite a feast - even fuller than Thursday. In addition to what we brought, John and Cynthia had made a burrito casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, roasted butternut squash and roasted brussel sprouts. It made for a full plate! At the table, J&C talked quite a bit about how their neighborhood is changing - essentially, young people are moving in. They have become the "elders"! After dinner we watched the latest "Clover" video in which Clover goes to sea and takes on foul weather and pirates! Cynthia caught us up a bit on news of her family, we talked about our stove problems, etc. Nine o' clock rolled around pretty fast! It was a very nice day.
A plate full of yummy food!
The table awaits us!
Cynthia and John
Cynthia's shot of the rest of us.
Reflections in the window

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