Monday, March 21, 2022

SHC Award Committee

We got Katie to the airport by 11:00a.m. yesterday for her 1:03p.m. United flight to Denver - she wanted to get there in plenty of time, so that was perfect. We had to miss going to church, and we have not as yet had a chance to watch the service. So that is something we can look forward to. I texted Katie last night and learned that she had a good flight and was home safely, and her three Ukrainian eggs made the trip without breaking. So all is good! ***************************************************** Today I had a meeting of the Shirley Crockett Award Committee at the Ragle's home. It was a lunch-time meeting, so Ellen made lunch for everyone - mulligatawny soup, multi-grain bread, grapes, brownies and shortbread. Ellen did not come to the meeting - she took a well-earned day to read, though she did make the soup and also had to make two pies for the homeless meal, so it wasn't exactly a day of rest! There were five of us at the meeting: Diane, Elizabeth, Tom and Nancy and myself. Pastor Elisa was not able to come - she was preparing for a funeral - but we called her and ran eveything by her before adjourning. We had a good meeting, agreed on who we would offer the award to this year (coming up in late May, the anniversary of Shirley's death); decided to expand the committee to include people more involved with youth and children; and looked ahead to next year which will be the 25th anniversary of Shirley's death.
Nancy and Tom
Elizabeth************************************************* All these folks knew Shirley well. Tom and Nancy were largely responsible for our coming to the Guilford Church in the first place back in the 1970s, and both Diane and ELizabeth were close friends to Shirley. As time goes on and we expand the committee, it is inevitable that people will serve on the committee that did not know Shirley well, or even at all. But hopefully they will carry on the tradition in her spirit.******************************************** Right at the moment, I am at Richmond's garage in Guilford, making a date for him to look over all the items Subaru says need to be done, getting a second opinion. One of the items is wheel bearings - they are going to take the car for a spin to listen for that, so I'm waiting. Doug Richmond thinks he can definitely save us money. When Shirley and I were pastors of the Guilford Community Church, we brought our car to Doug Richmond all the time, because it is across the street from the church and it was very convenient to leave it here while we worked at the church. I trust his judgement very much. Lately we have gone to Subaru because we bought our cars there and they are much closer to where we live. But for example, I need a new low-beam headlamp. Subaru looked into it and found the housing is melted and the entire housing needs to be replaced. They would chsrge $470 for a new housing. Doug can get a used one, or an after-market one, much cheaper. Some other things are not necessary for safety. So we'll see. Subaru's list added up to over $5000, which given the age and value of the car, might not be worth it.

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