Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A lovely birthday supper!

I had a lovely birthday supper last evening! The house looked so nice, and the table had a special Ukrainian theme with sunflowers and a centerpiece with Ukrainian flags. John and Cynthia came for supper and Ellen prepared a lovely meal with our favorite walnut/cheese ball dish, plus squash, rice pilaf and roasted brussel sprouts. And of course a lovely carrot cake with ice cream. I didn't have 89 candles, of course, but I did have eight in an inner circle and nine in an outer circle. Cynthia brought the video she has created which features John, me and Martin Luther King, and she played that for us! It highlights the fact that John and I met MLK in 1967 when I took six-year-old John with me to pick up MLK and Andrew Young at the Providence airport to bring them to the campus where MLK was to give a talk the next day. She had played it for her 4th-5th-graders at the Marlboro school, and they had really liked it! They want to meet these famous people who have actually talked with MLK in the flesh! So that was special. I got two books for my birthday - the 2022 edition of Guinness World Records from Maggie and Jerry - a totally fascinating book which is sort of addicitve. John gave me a new biography of Buster Keaton, star of silent films, and a brilliant one at that. We remembered a time decades ago when we would go to the home of my friend, Arnold Kirchheimer, and watch 8mm films of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin - at a time when Buster Keaton was not well-known at all.
I think the photos above speak for themselves; they don't need to be labeled. Today I am having s quiet day. I'll try to get to the pool and this evening we'll be singing Taizè chants in an Ash Wednesday service at Guilford.

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