Sunday, January 25, 2015

Computer crash

DAY THIRTEEN:  Well, we arrived safely in Alpine Friday evening at about 6pm. One of the first things I did was to show Max the pictures I had taken of the Lego exhibit we went to at University of Colorado.  Almost immediately I began to have problems accessing iPhoto, so I rebooted the computer, still had problems, and to cut the the bottom line, now the computer won't boot at all. So I'm without the use of my computer - I'm using Paul and Jenny's at the moment. I have the option of taking it to Simply Mac in Jackson to get it fixed or waiting until we get home. I'm inclined to the latter, and get by using Paul & Jenny's computer or the one at the Library here in Alpine. But I may change my mind. Meantime, blog posts may be a bit fewer and far between. I may have to switch to a reading program. I also don't know how to put photos up on this blog without my computer. So please be patient!!

Meanwhile, I watched the TarHeels play Florida State yesterday (they won), and have started reading Marianne Robinson's LILA and am enthralled. Maybe a simple life of walking, reading, playing with Max, eating, etc., is what I need at this point.

Today (Sunday) we've been talking, Paul has been reading aloud from Richard Rorty's Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, and now everyone but me is planning to go to Jackson to see a movie (Paddington) and I'm staying to go to church at 4:30pm.

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine your disappointment when your computer crashed when you least expected it. I just hope that you saved a backup for your files, especially those photos that you’ll show to Max. You’re lucky to have great people to lend you their computer, but I hope you’ll get yours fixed as soon as possible. Keep us posted, Larry! Take care!

    Lillian Walker @ Taylor Works
