Saturday, June 17, 2023

A treat at Flayvors

Ellen, Brendon and I just got ice cream at the Cook Farm ice cream stand called "Flayvors," which is near the Amhesst Mall, near "Trader Joe's." The "y" comes a prize Holstein named "Fayvor" who is the ancestral source of much of their herd. I had Rum Raisin, and B&E had Peppermint Stick. After our ice cream, we went to "Big Y" supermarket and bought some groceries, came home, I fixed supper for Brendon and myself and Krystal, who joined us here (roast chicken, rice and gravy, and asparagus) and Ellen went back to Bay State to be with Katie and Savanna. Katie will stay in a B&B across from the hospital tonight in the early evening to get some sleep, and Ellen will come back late and we'll spend the night here. The B&B was Karen Lederer's idea and she is paying for it - it saves Katie a round trip between hospital and home (one-hour each way). Savanna seems to have had a much better day today. Ellen thinks that there are big differences between the way the nurses (now called something else - Patient Care Technicians"?) do their work with Savanna - some are much more gentle and don't cause as much pain and discomfort - and that makes a huge difference in how Savanna feels. Some of the best are "persons of color" - Haitians, Filipino, etc.).
Flayvors Ice Cream Stand at Cook Farm
Prize-winning Holstein, "Fayvor," who gave the "Y" to "Flayvor."
Baystate Medical Center entrance.
Baystate Medical Center in its entirety. Ellen says it is a maze inside - it is not easy finding Savanna's room. I don't know which building Savanna is in, but maybe Ellen can figure that out when she sees this photo.

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