Sunday, June 18, 2023

A different sort of Sunday

This morning we went to church at First Church, Amherst - Ellen, Brendon and I. It was different from Guilford in some ways, maybe just more conventional. It made us realize that Pastor Elisa has changed things to a degree we hadn't realized, and it is hard to put my finger on just what is different. It was "choir recognition Sunday" at First Church, and the choir sang a lot, and there were several congregational hcymns as well. So that was different in itself, but there was another difference also. Pastor Vickie, the pastor at First Church, speaks a lot more extemporaneously than Pastor Elisa, who reads a great deal from written sources. So maybe that's another difference. In any case, we enjoyed the service. I heard two hymns that were unfamiliar to me: One by John Ferguson, was called, God, you made all things for singing, and the other is called It's a Song of Praise to the Maker, Words by Ruth Duck, Music by Ron Klusmeier. I liked both.
First Church, Amherst, MA.
The 'word for all ages." The story-teller played a video she had made three years ago at the height of the pandemic which spoke eloquently of the purpose of worshipping together.
The First Church Choir.********************************************** After church, we waited for Krystal to come pick up Brendon, but when she didn't show up, we decided. we must have gotten our signals mixed, and went home. Sure enough, she came to the house at 3p.m. to pick up Brendon and take him to the hospital to see "Meme" - i.e., Savanna. Ellen had already left for the hospital by then. When Brendon left, that left me here alone. That was different too. I watched the first episode, Season One, of "Endeavor." Wow, what a great episode. Sort of quintessential "Endeavor." A few minutes after that ended, Katie showed up! She is now taking a nap. Ellen and Brendon will probably show up soon. I just prepared potatoes for roasting and have them in the oven. Soon I will put in some fish sticks. That will be supper.

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