Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A bit of respite

The big change in my life is that I am now home in Vermont and Jim and Mary are here with me. That is very nice for me, and I had a chance to be with John here for a couple of hours of talking on the deck, and that was great. It also makes things less stressful for Ellen, because she does not need to worry about me. Mary fixed a lovely supper, including blueberry pie this evening. Ellen is down in Shutesbury and still spends time with Savanna. Savanna herself seems to be more comfortable and cogent these past few days. She is moving into a Hoapice facility, Fischer House, in Amherst. That will probably happen tomorrow or Friday. She will be much closer to Shutesbury, and in a more intimate setting, so that will simplify Katie's life. We hope that the care there will continue to control her pain well and that she will be reasonably comfortable. Krystal returns the rental car tomorrow, and will fly back to California Saturday. Brendon took placement exams yesterday at Greenfield Community College, and placed out of English. So all in all, things seem to be going as well as could be expeted right now, given the circumstances. A lot of people are helping out in a variety of ways, and that is wonderful and we are very grateful.
A scene from the Fisher Home Hospice website.*********************************** Our toaster/oven died today, so Jim and Mary went out and bought a new one - a Black&Decker, very much like the one it is replacing. Here is a picture of the old one on top of the new one:
Another thing: the mountain laurel is in full bloom. We have two bushes near the house, but the top of the mountain behind the house is covered with it. Wish I could get up there!
Laurel near our house

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