Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Mark O. Hatfield Library

Today, I went to Willamette University to spend some time in the Mark O. Hatfield Library. Mark Hatfield was, of course, a Republican Senator from Oregon for 30 years. He died in 2011. I took my time getting going in the morning because Ellen and J.E. went out for coffee and then Ellen went to the Hull's to spend some time talking with Bonnie. So I had the place myself until almost noon. I did my daily word games and spent some time on the internet, and had a late breakfast. I was actually still finishing up breakfast on the back deck when J.E. came home. So she took me to the campus, and parked fairly close to the library. She said that someone from the library had offered to come to the car with a golf cart and take me in - what service! But that wasn't necessary. I signed in as an "unaffiliated visitor" and found the BS2515 section of the stacks - where books about the Gospel of John would be found. I was surprised to find that the holdings of the MOH Library were much smaller than the Abbey Library. I would estimate that the Abbey holdings on the Gospels were five times larger than the Hatfield Library's. But there was still a lot I hadn't seen before, that had been published after I left graduate school. I photographed parts of three books, one by Helmut Koester, one by Dwight Moody Smith and one by Robert Kysar, all on the Gospel of John. So together with yesterday, I've added four books to my library. Plus I found an easy download of an article by James Charlesworth. I hadn't expected to be able to do any of that when I left Vermont, so it is all gravy, so to speak. I forgot to take photos of the library (too busy with books), but here are some from the WU website:
The Mark Hatfield Library.
I was set up in an area like this.
A page from one of the books I photographed ********************************* All that took about three hours; I met J.E. downstairs at 4p.m., and we went back to the house. Then I got ready to go to the Hull's for supper. It was truly wonderful seeing them again. We ate outside on their back deck which is surrounded by their garden. It was very pleasant. They had prepared a lovely meal of broiled salmon, "forbidden" rice (aka black rice), asparagus, panzanella salad (prepared by J.E.), and a tasty chutney made by Bonnie. It was beautiful to look at as well as to eat. While we were eating, their grandson, Sidney, came over from next door. He is eight years old - almost nine. He is a sweet boy, very comfortable around the old folks. We had him guessing how old we were, which he seemed to enjoy. He talked about skiing, his three-year-old sister Vivian (who loses things easily), and his toys, Fred and Ginger (little figures). Later, the Hull's son, Zach (Sidney's dad) came over the check out a plumbing problem. I hadn't seen him for many years. Roger is hanging in there with good humor health-wise. We're both glad to be alive. So, another very nice day. I got very nice comments about this blog from Bonnie, (and also from J.E., earlier). Real fans - thank you! It's so nice to know that someone is reading it and enjoying it.
My beautiful plate of food. Did I mention the placemats? Quilted by Bonnie.
Bonnie and Sidney,
Ellen and J.E.
Roger and Ellen.

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