Thursday, September 22, 2022

Little frustrations.

These past few days have been largely uneventful in the usual sense. We haven't really done anything. We are gradually getting better from COVID, but still fatigue easily. But there are concerns! I'm experiencing problems with my laptop computer: the battery will not take a charge; it can be used when it is plugged in, but the charge hangs around 4-7%. Strange things are going on with my email account: when I send out a letter, it is from "VolP Portal," not "Larrimore Crockett," which must be confusing to the recipient. Has it been hacked? The propane fireplace insert is also acting up: it won't light properly; sometimes it just won't light at all. A new debit card sent to me while we were away never arrived. Our spring is very low - not dangerously low, but close. Why are so many things suddenly a problem? These are relatively minor problems, I guess, especially when compared to what's happening in the nation and the world, but taken all together at the same time, they are a frustration. I will say, though, that I got a very lovely note from Phil McKean. I had sent him as a backup, a copy of what I was going to read at Deborah's Memorial Service Saturday. I had sent it twice to Tom McKean, who is going to read it, but it was never acknowledged, and given my email woes, I wondered if maybe it never arrived. So I sent a copy to Phil. He got it, and he loved it. That made me feel good. Another positive: fourteen people have responded favorably to my offer to lead a Bible Study group at the Guilford Church. That is an amazing response, I think. So we just have to work out the details. That should keep me out of trouble!

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