Tuesday, January 25, 2022

You never know what you might find

Today I was playing around on the Internet - I can't remember what the chain of association was - and I ran across the film that Katie Shay was the cinematographer for back in 2015. Oh - I remember - I was reading blog posts from the summer of 2015, that was it. And I ran across this post: Sunday, September 6, 2015 Columbia tonight We're in Columbia, MO tonight. We just had supper with Katie at the Flat Branch pub, which is a favorite place here but had one disadvantage - it's very noisy. It's hard to talk. But we did, a lot. We heard all about the film Katie has been making - she is the camera woman. Except for two boys in the cast, it's all women - all Stephens College students. She is very excited about it - especially because the Director - her friend, Aud Robies - wanted the camera work to be like that of the TV series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Katie has really nailed it. I Googled "Aud Robles" and found the name of the film: The Bike Thief and then I went to YouTube and found the film itself! It is about 12 minutes long and was Aud Robles "senior thesis." It's a neat little film, and at the end, this came up in the credits:
How neat is that? But then I saw this, which was even more surprising:
I had completely forgotten that I had contributed to the making of this film! *************************************************** I knew nothing about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia which Aud Robles refers to as kind of a model for her film. So I looked it up. It was an extremely popular comedy sit-com back then, a very zany, I would say, manic production. I watched some episodes - it's crazy. But evidently Katie Shay knew it and was able to capture its style of camera work in her own. Amazing!

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