Sunday, January 16, 2022


Church was special this morning in several ways. It was Baptism of Christ Sunday, and that theme was central to the service. When Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened and God said, "Thou art my beloved son." The word that Pastor Elisa took out of the scripture was the word "beloved," and she developed the meaning of it very thoroughly and applied it to each of us. It was also the Sunday in which the officers and committee-members of the church were dedicated and commissioned. Ellen and I hold the role of delegates to the Windham-Union Association, so we were part of that. It was also the first time a new baptismal font created by Dwayne Johnson was used - it is very handsome. Elisa built into the service a new ritual - each person, both there at church and at home on Zoom, was to dip their finger in water and touch their forehead (perhaps making a symbol of some sort) and say, "I am beloved by God." For folks there, like choir members, she stood behind the font and held up a mirror. That was quite touching. So, once again, despite everything, a memorable service.
Church at Guilford this morning. The new baptismal font is visible in the center. The Davis family is in the forefront on the right. Andy was leading the choir.

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