Thursday, August 22, 2019


I went down to the cottage with the Subaru to let Brendon out and when I was turning around I got caught on a granite curb that I didn't see - it was under the hood in my line of vision. So now the car is hung up on this granite curb and I can't drive off of it because two of my wheels are off the ground! So, I've called AAA. I'm really getting my money's worth out of the AAA membership this summer.

AAA didn't come until about 7:45 - about 2 1/2 hours after I called - but they finally arrived, and the driver was an older guy who was knowledgeable about these circumstances. He used a big jack to good effect, and eventually I was able to just drive it free. The mud guard on the right front wheel got a bit crumpled, but it is still attached. Car seems to drive ok. So - thanks to AAA, it turned out ok. But the guy had to come all the way from Knox, ME - Sparky's Roadside Service. About two hours  away! I asked  him why AAA called him and not someone closer, and he said, "Because they know I know what I am doing." Worth waiting for!

Later yet:
Obviously, we are still in Owl's Head. We decided to stay here today and return to Vermont tomorrow. We hung out at the cottage this morning, went to a Scottish restaurant in Rockland for lunch, then met Katie and Savanna and went to Bixby's Chocolate Factory in Rockland which turned out to be really interesting - we got a 20-minute presentation about the history and production of chocolate which was very informative. They had good chocolate too. And gelato! It was coming home from there that I got stuck at the cottage. Oh well! Most of the day was great.

The Subaru hung up on a granite curb

The Bixby Chocolate Factory in Rockland,  ME
These are cacao pods, containing about 30 cacao seeds = beans.

This is where the chocolate gets made
Katie looking over chocolate wares

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