Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday report

I digitized quite a stack of paper at the Putney library yesterday when I was there. Ellen dropped me there on her way to Northampton to meet Wallace. So I had several hours in Putney while she was in Northampton. One reason for doing that, was that I wanted to meet with Mark Kennedy and his wife, Cathy, who were driving down from South Hero, Vermont to Connecticut and wanted to just get off at Putney and see Ellen and me for a few minutes at the Putney Coop. The timing didn't work for Ellen because she had to get to Northampton, but it was OK for me just to be there and meet Mark and Cathy when they came through. So I met them at the Coop and we had lunch together and had a nice visit.

Mark and Cathy

My digitizing included a xerox copy of Kierkegaard's Works of Love, which is one of my favorite books of all time. Years ago I had lent my regular book copy to someone, but not before I made a photocopy of it; so I had the photocopy but I had forgotten where it was. A few weeks ago I wanted to find it because I wanted to read a portion of it to a friend who was experiencing something I thought was very relevant to what Kierkegaard was saying. But I had no idea where the photocopy was. But Wednesday I found it and I took it with me to the library and digitized it. So now it is on my computer. Now I can print out the passage that I wanted to give to my friend, make a file of it and send it to him.

When Ellen picked me up at the library yesterday it was just in time to drive to Brattleboro and meet the entire Feinland family at the Food Cart Round-up. Unlike the last time we went, it was a beautiful evening and boy, was this event packed with people! We got there early enough to be ahead of the crowd, and we had some delicious pizza and listened to some country music, not only with the Feinland's, but also with Eliza and Sarah and Phoebe and Maggie ( Cliff came along later ) and some other people we knew, and we had quite a good time. I had a chance to talk a bit with Max about  his recent trip to Boulder, Colorado to look at University of Colorado. He's quite excited about going there. Of course, he still has to apply and be accepted, but I have little doubt that he will be. That does still leave the issue of funding the education, however!  He is applying for Early Decision, but doesn't learn about his aid package until fairly late.

Today, Ellen and I went downtown. I dropped her at Hannaford's while she shopped and I went to the Brattleboro Coop to get some things, and then came back and picked her up. This afternoon she's been baking things for the Guilford fair booth while I do some work on the computer. Pretty soon we will leave to take all our contributions down to the Guilford church and leave from there (my contributions are small paper plates and orange juice). 

Tomorrow, we've made a date to meet a realtor at 125 Morningside Commons where there is a one-level condo for sale. We've had our eye out for a one-level condo there for some time and now there is one available. However, an offer has already been made on it by someone, so it may be too late. But it's always a good idea to take a look. You always learn something just by looking. 

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