Saturday, June 1, 2024

Glorious rhododendron

The rhododendron bushes are in full bloom, and I think they are larger and more filled with blossoms than ever. They rival the house itself in size. They are maybe also just a few days earlier than usual. They came into full bloom while we were in Maine. All blooming shrubs and trees have been prolific this spring. John came over for a visit today, and since his car is not drivable because of leaking fluid, and Cynthia had their other car up north, he came over on his electric bike, which I don't think he's ever done before. It's about an hour's trip. Ellen prepared a lovely lunch for us and we had a good visit. I also took the opportunity to get a picture of him with his bike! These next couple of days are full: tomorrow we are giving out the Shirley Harris Crockett awards at church, and then Phil Mckean is coming for a visit in the afternoon through till Tuesday morning. The Peter Amidon Choral concert is Monday evening and both Phil and John and Cynthia will be coming to that. A full life!

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