Saturday, June 8, 2024

Concert Bookends

This week was bookended by two concerts - one on Monday that we sang in, and one on Friday that we attended. The Monday concert was a Peter Amidon Choral Arrangements Concert, held at the Brattleboro Music Center, called I Still Have Joy, and Friday was a Tony Trischka concert, held at The Drake in Amherst, MA called Earl's Jam. The Peter Amidon concert was an absolute delight. It featured the Guilford Community Church Choir, augmented by some guests, and an octet called West Willow, made up of younger Amidon family members and their close friends. Plus a guest appearence of Desmond Amidon, Peter and Mary Alice's grandson, and his friend Leo, who had solos in two numbers. There was a very special energy in the whole concert, and the love and good feeling washing around the room was palpable. And we sounded really good. I personally had a good night - my voice was good, not plagued by phlegm as it often is, and I felt I sang well and actually made a contribution. It was extra-special for me also because not only did John and Cynthia come, but my friend, Phil McKean was there also. It was also wonderful to see Peter in such good spirits - he is fighting prostate cancer, but is doing pretty well at the moment. It was sort of a "Legacy Concert" for him.
Al Stockwell doing a sound check with the GCC Choir.
Desmond and Leo singing with West Willow.
The audience - Phil McKean is right in the center in the front row.
Peter Amidon leading West Willow. ********************************** Tony Trischka is a world-famous bluegrass banjo player, 75 years old, one of the best there is. Ellen's brother, Jim. was in a band with him fifty years ago called Breakfast Special, so we feel sort of a special connection with him, and have heard him before at Next Stage in Putney. The program was a tribute to another great banjo player, Earl Scruggs, who had a profound influence on three-finger banjo picking. This Earl Jam concert was inspired by the discovery of some never-heard-before-publically recordings of Scruggs playing banjo back in the 80's and 90's. Trischka has been transcribing these recordings. Trischka was playing with three other musicians: Michael Daves, guitar amd vocals, Alex Hargreaves, fiddle, and Jared Engel, string bass. They were all fantastic. Tony is a good story-teller, and he was very entertaining both in his narration between songs, and in his playing. The hall was packed and wildly enthusiastic. Katie Tolles joined us, and we had supper with her and Brendon at their house beforehand - Brendon made pizza, but decided not to come to the concert.
Tony Trischka.
Tony, Alex, Jared and Michael at the Drake last night.
Tony at the "Merch" table.

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