Saturday, June 29, 2024

A good, wild day

On June 20th, we did something we had long promised we would do - we picked up Jerome at the Elliot apartments in Brattleboro where he lives, and drove to Grandma Miller's Bakery in Londonderry, VT., a place I have mentioned frequently in this blog. Every few weeks or so, we go there for Morning Glory muffins, a great favorite of mine for breakfast, and we usually go on Thursday because that is the day of the week they bake chocolate eclairs, which we love with a cup of decaf. We had promised Jerome ages ago that we would take him with us sometime, and we finally did. It was a pretty warm day, but the car was air-conditioned, and they have a spot outdoors on the porch in the shade which was quite comfortable, where you can sit at a table and enjoy your baked treat. Jerome is not a big fan of eclairs - he dislkes the custard - but he had a delicious fruit tart.
Grandma Miller's Bakery.
The place you can sit and eat outside is just beyond the top of this ramp.
The famous Grandma Miller chocolate eclair.********************* We came back, as we often do, via Windham Hill, and gave Jerome a running narrative of familiar landmarks, since this was mostly new territory for him. He enjoyed the trip, as did we, but by the time we got him back to the Elliot Apartments, we barely had time to dash home, pick up our Hallowell song books, and go to a Hallowell rehearsal in Westminster West, which started at 6:15p.m. We called Eliza Bergh, because we were too late to meet her at the agreed time. On our way to West-West, the weather took quite a turn, and a storm came through. And then when got to the church, where the rehearsal was to be held, it was dark, and no cars were parked around it. The rehearsal had been cancelled! Eliza was right behind us. Neither of us had seen a cancellation, but then, we hadn't checked our email recently either. But then when we headed back the Westminster-West Road we had just come on, oncoming cars were flashing their lights at us, and just after we passed the Putney Town Line, there was a tree down across the road! That had to have come down just minutes (seconds??) after we passed this spot on our way to the church! Thank God it didn't land on our car!
Tree down!!! ************ We had to turn around and head back to Patch Road, which took us up to Exit 5 on I-91, which we could take down to Putney and then head home. That also meant we could get maple creamees and cider doughnuts at Allen Bros., another favorite stop for treats. So - quite a day!

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