Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Health and Car Care

Not much has happened since Sunday. The main thing is that I had an appointment with my PCP, Dr. Alexandra van Dyck, on Monday, and had blood tests following that. The test results were all good except my red blood cell count is just a little low - I am a little anemic. This has happened before. I'm supposed to go back and give another sample so that they can check specifically my Folate count (B-9) and B-12 count. As a little treat, we got a maple creemee at the Dutton Farm Stand in Putney, after the blood test, and ended up exploring a road in Putney that was unfamiliar to us - East Putney Falls Road - which brought us out onto Route 5 up in Westminster (I think). We like to spontaneously explore roads. I had probably been on that road before, but not for a long time, and it did not look familiar at all. Part of it went along the Connecticut River. I was confused because I thought that road went south - I expected it to take us to the Landmark College campus, and when the river showed up on our right, I thought we had to be in New Hampshire! That wasn't possible. But of course we were going north. John, meanwhile, had an adventure with his Honda Insight. It needs new clutch lines, and he had to get it from his house in Westminster down to Brattleboro without using the clutch! He managed to do it, but it was stressful. They fixed it - he wasn't sure they could - it is impossible to get parts for the Insight - but the clutch still needs adjustment. I don't understand why they wouldn't adjust the clutch before returning the car. But he has to take it back Thursday. He has had endless trouble with that car. It's a cool car to look at, and it gets great gas mileage - in the 60's (it's a hybrid) - but it's over 20 years old and is a maintenance nightmare. But buying another car right now is daunting - even old used cars are expensive.
John's Honda Insight looks like this.
Dr. van Dyck, my PCP.

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