Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Shirley Harris Crockett Awards

Today at the Guilford Community Church we presented two SHC Awards. Normally, we give one award a year at about this time near the anniversary of Shirley's death. But last year, we had a big event on May 21st to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Shirley's death (May 24th) and that took up so much of my time and energy that I didn't organize the award for that year. The two awards this year went to Carole Crompton and Fred Breunig - both particularly dedicated members of the church. I'll include tributes to them here.********* Tribute to Carole Crompton The recipient of the Shirley Harris Award today has given fully to the life of the Guilford Community Church. She has served as a Deacon and performs her duties well. She has taught many years in the Sunday School. She sings in the choir. She contributes in other ways: whenever there is a pie sale fundraiser, for instance, she not only bakes countless pies herself; she also facilitates the baking of others by, for example, preparing the dough and other ingredients. This person has also worked with others in the congregation to support the refugee/newcomer community. As a craftsperson, she has served the church in many ways. Her beautiful and creative Christmas cards and tree ornaments are always a hit at the bazaar. Over the years, she has astonished us with her Ukrainian egg decorations and when the war in Ukraine began, worked tirelessly with Robin Davis to make and sell pysanky eggs, raising thousands of dollars for war relief. Most recently, it is easy to see her artistic talent in the design of our new name tags, which she has created. Her prayers and reaching out to others in the church are also evidence of her compassion for others. In short, the Shirley Harris Crockett Award Committee thinks it is entirely fitting that Carole Crompton be chosen as an award winner this year. The committee is not aware of any specific project that Carole might undertake with the funds accompanying the award, but the committee is certain that Carole will have no trouble thinking of new projects herself. By her faithful presence and involvement in widely diverse aspects of our church’s life, Carole serves quietly as part of the glue that holds the Guilford Community Church together. Tribute to Fred Breunig I am sure many of you are familiar with the phrase “What would Jesus do?”. Well, at the Guilford Community Church, it would not be a stretch to suggest that over the past 25 plus years, we have frequently heard the question: “What would Fred do?” That would be Fred Breunig. How does one sum up the years of dedicated, compassionate service that Fred has given to this church? Lay Leader more than once, Deacon, clerk, member at one time of almost every committee, by-law revisionist, pulpit supply organizer extraordinaire, home visitor, service leader, music leader, effective leader through times of pastoral transitions, self appointed ambassador to every new person who walks in the door, chair of numerous suppers, online host, Fred has taken on all these roles with such grace that he makes it look easy! But make no mistake, Fred takes on every role with a serious commitment, and an uncanny way of inspiring us all. One of Fred’s current passionate projects is his involvement in Vermont Interfaith Action. From their website: “The purpose of this organization is to advocate for the allocation of funds needed to create enough affordable housing to move people out of homelessness, and fund the financial and human service supports needed for them to remain successfully housed.” The Shirley Harris Crockett Award Committee can think of no better way to honor Fred than to support him in his commitment to this critical cause. So as our gift to you, Fred, we will donate a monetary gift to Vermont Interfaith Action and hope that this recognition will inspire others to ask themselves, “What would Fred do?”
Me with Fred Breunig and Carole Crompton. The altar was especially lovely today. Robin Davis had the idea of inviting people to bring small vases of flowers, and many did.
The altar flowers today at GCC. Shirley and Betsey's graves look really nice too. Shirley's "women's group" - Lise Sparrow, Elizabeth Christie, Diane Larsen-Freeman, Connie Woodbury and Anne Janeway, spent a lot of time the weekend of the anniversary of her death making the grave gardens lovely, and it shows.
Betsey and Shirley's graves.
The women at the cemetery.

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