Sunday, September 5, 2021

Church and Fair

Today we had hoped to worship out-of-doors but at the last minute it began to rain and there was a scramble to go inside, and the service was filmed using an iPhone because there wasn't time to move all the camera equipment inside. But this was the first time in a year-and-a-half since we ourselves had worshipped with others in person, in the church sanctuary, and that was very powerful. Everyone was masked, even while singing, but it still felt good to be back. Also, Ellen was originally going to meet Katie, Savanna and Brendon at the Guilford Fair this morning, but the rain delayed that also, so Ellen stayed and went to church with me and we met KS and B at the Fair after church, when the rain had stopped, or at least was more spotty and more like mist than rain. I got a cheeseburger at the Church Food Booth and we all had a bite to eat before going to the oxen pull contest - teams of oxen try to pull increasingly heavier sleds of concrete blocks - going up to 7000lbs at the end. It was a bit chilly but I brought a jacket. I also brought my poles, although I also took advantage of the golf carts available to give people like me a ride to their car, which had to be parked some distance from the main fair grounds.
The choir singing in church this morning.
A local circus performer juggling knives on a unicycle near where we were eating
Having a bite to eat at the fair
Teams waiting to pull the sled
Our favorite team, Robbie and Roy
Our team with a winning 7000-lb pull!

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