Sunday, February 1, 2015


DAY TWENTY. Went to church this afternoon at Star Valley United Church in Thayne . Pastor Allan Schoonover was preaching. The text was "and the people were astounded at his teaching ." He asked ""when was the last time you were astounded by something?" Then "When was the last time you were astounded by something in church ?"  He went to talk about all the things that had astounded him during the past week - e .g ., a call from a friend who had been confined to  a wheelchair for years and had been depressed but called full of spirit and enthusiasm because a school had asked him to teach a class and he felt needed. A TV program about a man in India who had single-handedly freed 100's of children from slavery in sweat shops. And the fact that he just turned 77 and is still alive! I liked this sermon. The first thing I thought of was Betsey . Her spirit and courage in the face of brain cancer astounds me. I learned that Allan had also been at Selma. I had someone take a picture of us . 

            Allan Schoonover and me at church 

I brought this picture home and showed it to Jenny and Max, and Max said - "He was at my school." Sure enough - he had gone to Max's school around M L King day to talk about Selma.

After church I had a good talk on the phone with Betsey. She 'a doing well - feels good, good energy. Astounding!

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