Saturday, January 12, 2019

All is well!

Both of our concerts went very well. All was not perfect by any means, but we both felt that there was a good energy and passion in the performances. I was particularly pleased, really unexpectedly so, with my own voice in these performances. I was afraid I would be afflicted with hoarseness and phlegm attacks, but I actually had a pretty good voice for both concerts. I used a stool which helped me to take a little breaks  when I needed them. I feel I actually made a contribution to the bass section, which I'm happy about. We had very good audiences for both performances. John and Cynthia made it to the Friday evening concert, and Katie Tolles made it to the Saturday afternoon concert today. It was great to have some family there both times. 

Now we are in the throes of getting ready for our trip. I've been packing, gathering and organizing things. Tomorrow we'll go to church and then down to Northampton  to see Tamar and Max, and then to a concert that Savanna is in, in Leverett, Massachusetts. Then we will come back for the final push to get ready for our departure, which is Monday morning.

Sadly, I got no photographs of our concerts. But I did get this one of our squirrel which is a daily visitor who loves climbing up the side of the house or anything else he can find to climb up onto, and really is almost like a member of the family, he is around so much. Of course I'm assuming this is all the same squirrel. We could actually have 10 squirrels for all I know.

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