Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A beautiful day for a walk

Today I did something I haven't done for a long time. I drove over near Paul's old house and parked the car in a little park that was next to his house and then I walked up the road behind his house - up to the top of the hill. This is a walk that Ellen and I have done many, many times in the past. Today the road was snow covered, but I had cleats on my shoes so I had sure footing.  I also had two ski poles. It was a beautiful day for a walk, blue sky, sunny, pretty cold but not too bad. I enjoyed it very much.

A beautiful winter day above Paul's old house
 After my walk I went to pick up Max who usually is dropped off by the school bus near the site of the new house. He wasn't there yet, so I looked around the house in it's newly insulated state and then just as I was leaving, Max arrived. So I brought him home. Judging from what I saw today, I would say that Paul, Jenny, and Max are going to be snug as bugs in a rug in their new house.

The new house from the driveway
I was going to take several photos of the house, but just after taking this shot, the battery died on the iPod. It needs a new battery. It''s a very old iPod, but it still takes great photos. Just not very many! I'll take more tomorrow.

Earlier today, Ellen woke up with a bad headache. She came back to bed and I made her sweet tea which helped a bit, and we ended up talking a lot about our lives and changes we might want to make.

Tonight, Ellen made another delicious supper of roasted potaoes, squash, onions, sausage and apples, followed by a dessert of roasted pineapple, bananas, apricots, etc, with some rum sprinkled over them. We didn't have rum in the house so I went to the Bull Moose Liquor store in Alpine and got a small bottle of rum like you would get on an airplane. Just enough.

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