Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Halcyon Quartet

Saturday evening we attended a unique event: a concert in loving memory of Deborah McKean that was much more than a concert. It was a performance by a string quartet, the Halcyon Quartet, given in the BroadBay U.C.C. Church in Waldoboro, Maine, but these were musicians with a mission to change the world by addressing the most important issues facing us as individuals and as a society. Things like climate change and the impact of social media on the mental health of youth. So it wasn't just music; it was music plus things projected onto a large blank wall: e.g., thought-provoking quotations and provocative short films created by the quartet using stop-action techniques. There was even a break in the concert during which we had the opportunity to talk with our neighbors in the audience and share our reactions, thoughts and feelings. It was unsettling and intriguing. And I would say, effective. The Halcyon Quartet is composed of Sophie Davis, Josie Davis, Colin Wheatley and Luke Fatora. Here are bio sketches of each:
This is how Halcyon describes itself: Halcyon is a collective. At our core, we are a string quartet however we often collaborate with musicians and artists from Maine and beyond to create unique and varied programs and performances. As performers, artists and collaborators, we strive to share our love of music in ways that foster connection, community, vibrancy, joy, warmth and accessibility. We strive to create programs that build partnerships with local community organizations and folks from all walks of life. Our performances are interdisciplinary and often involve a multimedia component. In each concert, we work to create a space that draws upon word, art and music to tell a story that is relevant to our community. They are fine musicians, so we were given a good concert, but with the added dimension that was very thoughtful and thought-provoking. Also, both Tom and Susannah were there, (from California and London respectively), both had written poems in honor of their mother, which were printed in the program, and Tom actually got up at the end of the program and sang his, accompanying himself on guitar. Keep checking here - I will add to it from time to time.
Above: The Halcyon Quartet performing Saturday night and two examples of projected quotations. .

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