Thursday, August 8, 2024


We came home from Maine on Monday, but first we met Phil McKean and his son, Tom, at the Farnsworth Museum. We were joined by Mary Jane, a friend of Tom's from California, who had come out for the concert Saturday. We looked at one exhibit, and then had a picnic lunch in the Farnsworth garden. The exhibit we saw was Jamie Wyeth, works he had created that fell into a category of "Unsettled," i.e., works that expressed his fascination with the uncanny, with disease and death, with the "other-worldly," etc. It was a fascinating exhibit. This was evidently an important area for Jamie Wyeth - it was a large exhibit, filling two floors in a former church building which is a kind of annex to the regular Farnsworth Museum, called The Wyeth Center, in back and across the street:
The Wyeth Center.******************************************** Here are some examples of works in the "Unsettled" exhibit of Jamie Wyeth. (They are on my phone, which is dead, so uploading them will have to wait until tonight). I can just say now that the works in the "Unsettled" exhibit varied a lot, but had some threads running through them. I.e., several are of a figure squarely facing the viewer with his hands on his hips. This evidently represented for Wyeth a posture revealing another dimension - possibly a ghost, or a "visitor" of some kind. Most of the pieces are paintings, but one is a sculpture, and one is an intriguing "diarama,"

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