Friday, August 23, 2024

More catching up.

The Variety Show (see previous blog post) was a big success, I would say. It was very well attended, and should have brought in several hundred dollars. More importantly, it enlarged our understanding of each other. It revealed dimensions of the performers we had not been previously aware of. That was Sunday, the 11th. Monday, as I recall, was a quiet day at home. I was reading a Maisie Dobbs, mystery: The Messenger of Truth,I think it was. # 3 or 4 in the series, as I recall. It was well done - I am currently reading the next in the series, Among the Mad. I am enjoying them (again... I read several of them when they first came out, years ago). Tues., the 13th, was Vermont Primary Election Day. We had an interesting primary election - it is not every year we have the opportunity to vote for persons of color, and in this case, both a black woman and a black, queer man, running for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively. The black woman, Esther Charlestin, won the Democratic primary and in November will be running against the incumbent, Gov. Phil Scott, a (rare) moderate Republican who is very popular and even attracts Democrats to vote for him. She is relatively unknown, and her only experience in an elected office is on the Middlebury Selectboard. She is not expected to win, but you never know.
Esther Charlestin lives in Middlebury, Vermont. She holds an undergraduate degree in history and communication. Charlestin earned master's degrees in corporate communications/public relations and in teaching from Sacred Heart University in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Her career experience includes working in higher education and the public school system. Charlestin was elected to the Middlebury Selectboard. She co-chairs Vermont's Commission on Women.************ Thomas Renner, who is Deputy Mayor of the town of Winooski, was running against a popular Democratic incumbant Lieutenant Governor, David Zuckerman. Renner did not win the Primary, but I expect we will see him again.
Thomas Renner.

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