Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A lot of catching up to do.

Wow! It has been over a week since my last post! A great deal has happened! There was a Variety Show at the Guilford Church on Sunday, August 11th; Vermont's Primary Election on the 13th; John and Cynthia came over for supper on the deck, Thursday, the 15th; Keith Murphy and Becky Tracy put on a concert at the Retreat Farm, Sat., the 17th; there was a Village Harmony Concert Sunday the 18th at the GCC; I had an appointment in the Urology Dept., BMH, on the 19th; the Democratic Convention opened on the 19th; we went on a Dinner Cruise on Lake Sunapee, NH with John and Cynthia, Tues., the 20th - that was yesterday. Whew!! Today I'm having a quiet day at home - which is why I have time to bring my blog up to date. It's close to 3p.m. and I'm still in my PJ's. It's nice to have a day like that now and then. The Variety Show at the GCC on the 11th was part of a series of fund-raising concerts at the church, going back to early 2023. Anyone who wanted to sing or play something, or put on some kind of an act, was invited to do so; Rachel Johnson organized it. I considered singing something, but wasn't sure my voice could be depended upon to "be there" when needed. So I opted not to. About 20 people did respond - and it was a fun, diverse, show indeed. There is a lot of talent in the Guilford Church! It was about an hour and half long, followed by a reception which Ellen helped put on.
Andy Davis with his Quebeois Woodshed Group - fiddles, accordians and piano.
Barbara Lee and Kachina Lee-Autenrieth in their "Skip-a-Beat Clown act.
Mary Brooke Grove playing a movement from the Sonata in F# Minor by Brooke Triplett Grove (1927-1973).
Peter and Mary Alice Amidon, with their grandson, Arthur (their son Sam's boy), singing Our Hamlet,, a very entertaining send-up of the play.
Connie Green and Rachel Johnson playing Telemann's Sonata in G Major for Flute and Piano.
Katherine Breunig singing Happiest of Times with Dinah. Dinah was Katherine's mother who died of cancer back in about 2000. If anyone "stole the show," Katherine did with this very touching song.
Bill McKim playing a Rachmaninof Etude.
Sue Owings and Terry Sylvester singing an "Old-Time Camp Song."
Brad Amidon singing "Welcome to the Renaissance" from the musical Something Rotten by Wayne and Katey Kirkpatrick. Brad lives near Boston and is not related to Peter and Mary Alice Amidon. His parents, John and Joy Amidon, were very active in the church years ago (both now deceased), and Brad likes coming back for special events like this.
Michelle Markus, clarinet, and Rachel Johnson, piano, playing Canzonetta by Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937).

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