Friday, May 17, 2024

Schloss Leopoldskron and the Ragles

The latter part of our trip to Switzerland, we went to Zurich where we met Tom and Nancy Ragle, did some things there, and then we went with them to Salzburg, Austria. At that time -1984 - Tom was Director of the Salzburg Seminar, which I guess you could say was a kind of "think tank" - it brought together various leaders and intellectuals to discuss vital issues of the day. In Salzburg it was housed in the Schloss Leopoldskron, which is a palace, or at least a very fancy chateau. That is where Tom and Nancy lived, and where meetings were held. It had been made famous by the movie The Sound of Music, which was filmed in part at the Schloss. So we got to stay there for a few days and we made some day trips out of Salzburg with the Ragles. This was a delightful feature of our trip.
The Schloss and gardens.
Eating with Tom and Nancy in the dining hall of the Schloss. Fancy!
Shirley with Nancy and Tom.
Eating at a lakeside restaurant near Salzburg
Promotional photo of the Schloss.

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