Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a full day! I slept pretty well after our slide show last night (though I got to bed after 1 a.m.!). We got up at 7 a.m. in time to get to GCC Choir practice (we thought), but it took me so long to get dressed that we couldn't get there in time, so we ditched choir and just went to church. Peter Amidon was leading the service (Allyson Platt is in New Mexico), and it was a special Peter Amidon day with little surprises and unexpected twists in the service. After church we went to the Mother's Day Brunch at Guilford Center sponsored by the Grange, and we took Jerome as our guest, plus Nancy and her friend Ginny. It was the first brunch for a few years because of COVID, and it was good! All you can eat for $15. I had a fruit cup, coffee cake, mushroom and cheese omelette, french toast, bacon, coffee. I came out full! We took Jeromme home and came home ourselves, and I took a nap. But I got up in time to go to a River Singers pot-luck supper at 5:00p.m., at the Westminster-West Church. A chnace to meet new RS people and socialize. And we did. We met Anna Marie, who lives in Dummerston, Leslie, a friend of Fred Taylor's, who lives at Morningside near Fred, and Judy - all of whom sat across from us. We enjoyed all three.
At the Grange brunch: Jerome is in foreground; Davis family in the distance at the end of the table.
Looking over to the order window at the Grange Brunch.
Lining up for food at the RS Pot-luck supper. After supper we went upstairs to sing a few songs. **************************** I got a Mother's Day text from Katie Shay. She was thinking about her mom, Betsey, my daughter, who died in 2016, and wanted to share. Nice to hear from her. John found a bulb that fits my projector on eBay for $20. Not clear if it is used or new. Could make a big difference!

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