Monday, May 20, 2024

Older slides

The slides I've shared thus far have been from 1984, but I have much older slides going back to 1954. I've been going through a case of these older slides, and have pulled out a selection - two from both my and Shirley's college graduation (1954), a group from Chicago, when I was in seminary (1954-1957), and a few just a bit later - as late as 1968 or so. I am not thrilled with the quality of these reproductions, but it seems to be the best I can do with my method (taking a picture with my phone of a slide being backlit on top of my desk lamp). The main problem is with definition - I have to really enlarge the picture I take. But there are issues with the color as well. But they are not too bad. Here they are in rough chronological order: College graduation:
Shirley at Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, 1954.
Larry at Drury College, Springfield, MO, 1954. Chicago:
1) The Chicago Theological Seminary tower, and Graham Taylor Hall; (2) Shirley, Easter Sunday, 1957, with Rockefellar Chapel behind; (3) Me standing outside where we lived, showing off my new, blue, double-breasted suit.************ OUR NEIGHBORHOOD:
Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, with Shirley and our Chevrolet. Robie House was just across the street from the seminary to the east, and in the 1950's was owned by the seminary.
Another angle on Robie House.
Rockefeller Chapel, which was also across the street from the seminary, to the south. This was the University of Chicago chapel. The tower contained a carillon, and there were carillon concerts every Sunday.

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