Friday, May 3, 2019

Down but not out

Thursday afternoon, I started to feel like I was getting a cold. Probably got it from Ellen who was dealing with a cold earlier in the week.  So I decided not to go to River Singers rehearsal Thursday evening. Mary Cay doesn't like people coming who are "coldy." I stayed home in bed keeping warm and quiet. This morning when I got up, I felt pretty good. And I've stayed more or less good most of the day. I have a few sniffles, and I've sneezed a couple of times, but nothing too bad. I even went out to fill a prescription. Ellen has gone to Northhampton  to a music festival at the Hilltown charter school. Tamar is singing in one group. I opted to stay home. Tomorrow is a very big concert day. Bigger than usual. Two concerts instead of one, one at 3 PM and the second at 7 PM. I'm planning to sing. I have a solo in one piece, and I am announcing another. I think we will probably come home between the concerts instead of staying for the potluck supper so I can just rest a bit. Ellen may just feel the need for that as well. Then Sunday is also a big day. I am leading the service and preaching at Guilford. Sunday afternoon is Katie Tolles's 70th birthday party. This wasn't the best time to come down with a cold!  So, eat well, sleep well, drink fluids, take immune-boosting supplements, and probably some ibuprofen. I hope that gets me through! 

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