Sunday, August 2, 2015

A working Sunday

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. I did go to church this morning, but Paul and Jenny had not returned from their rafting trip so Ellen stayed home with Max. Pastor Alan was in good form. The theme was, "The bread of life," and once again the basic message was simple: we are fed so that we can feed others. Everything we receive is intended to be given away. That is one of Alan's gifts: you can explain the message of his sermon in a few simple words. I can learn from that. And he always has at least one very personal, memorable story that illustrates his theme.

I came home, had a bite to eat, and set to work breaking the Sabbath! My first job was to completely empty out the car. No small task. Then I drove to the car wash (self-serve) and thoroughly vacuumed and then washed the car. Then I drove to a shady spot and thoroughly wiped down the exterior with a chamois and cleaned all interior surfaces with Armorall wipes. Then I came back and reloaded the car. It looks nice. Meanwhile, Ellen is doing several loads of wash. All of this, of course, because we are leaving in the morning. My hoarseness seems to have cleared up. Maybe it was some kind of allergy. So we will be in Boulder tomorrow night. 

Paul and Jenny have returned and they are unpacking, drying, putting away. Max has a friend, Caleb, he is playing with. It's a busy place. 

           Star Valley United Church sanctuary:  It was full this morning. 

Pastor Alan Schoonover making an announcement at the coffee hour after church. 

The two youngest and by far the cutest members of the congregation. They are twins. 

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