Monday, July 8, 2024

A Happy Fourth of July

July Fourth, which for us had two significances: Independence Day and Savanna's birthday, we spent the afternoon at a lakeside cottage owned by Savanna's dearest friends, Dusty and Dorothy, and were joined also by Katie and Brendon, and Ginny, another close friend of Savanna's - perfect! We arrived just as a little boat parade was getting underway, with Katie and Ginny in a canoe, and Dusty and Dorothy in an inflatable kayak.
Foreground: Dusty and Dorothy; Katie and Ginny. ************** We sat on the porch overlooking the lake, had a very nice meal, and talked and talked. Savanna was much with us in spirit. it was a good day.
dy. Brendon and Dorothy took photos. Top: Dusty, Dorothy, Me, Ellen, Ginny, Katie. Bottom. Me, Katie, Ellen, Ginny, Dusty and Brendon.***********+

We left to come home about 6pm - in time to watch Poirot on PBS. We didn't watch fireworks, but we sure could hear them.

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