Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A full week of remembrance of family

The week of June 24-28 was very much oriented to family members who have passed away. Tues., the 24th, was the birthday of my daughter, Betsey, who died July 22, 2016; June 25th was the birthday of my brother, Stewart, who died January 23, 2013, and Wednesday the 26th, Savanna's ashes were buried- she died on June 22, 2023. We didn't do anything special to commemorate the two birthdays, but Betsey and Stewart were in my thoughts, and I particularly went back to those days we spent in Boulder to be with Betsey during the weeks and months before her death. It's hard to believe that it has been 8 years. I was a different person then. If today she was going through what she was going through back in 2016, I'm not sure what I could have done. I'm not sure I could have even gone out to Boulder. But in 2016, I was physically very robust and active: thank God! I was able to drive, do errands, push Betsey around in her wheelchair, take walks and hikes with Ellen - the whole bit.
Betsey and me in Boulder.************************* Wednesday, we went to Amherst, to First Church, where they have a lovely memorial garden in a secluded spot on the side of the church, and there Savanna's ashes were buried. Pastor Vicki led the service, and everyone (except me) got up and took turns putting the ashes into a hole. Both Krystal and Tye were there, plus Tye partner, "B," and close friends like Dusty and Dorothy, and Ginny and Betsy, and of course Katie and Brendon. It was a lovely service and a perfect afternoon, weather-wise: sunny but not hot or humid.
Pastor Vickie leading the commital service.
Family and friends waiting turns to distribute ashes.*************************** Thursday was special too: we hosted the retired clergy at our house on the deck, so as to not be in the way of preparations for Don Hazelton's service at the Dummerston Church, and then we sang in the choir for his service, singing Dvorak's Goin' Home from the 7th Symphony, the "New World Symphony." Several family members and friends spoke and testified to Don's qualities. Very nice.
Donald Hazelton (1930-2024).

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