Wednesday, April 24, 2024


We went to a Hospice presentation at the Brooks Library last Thursday on VSED (Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking) - a way of dying that is legal everywhere. This was a timely presentation - my friend Bill Schoedel recently chose this manner of dying, and as a Parkinson's Disease person, I have included it as a possible option and choice in my Advanced Directives. It was good to learn more about it, although I'll have to say that it is a lot more complex and difficult than I anticipated. We watched a video of a woman who had gone through this experience vicariously with her husband, and she walked us through it in some detail. It requires a lot of advanced planning and support, and typically takes about 10 days. We had to leave early to get to a Hallowell rehearsal, so we missed the question and answer session after the video. But it was good to know that our local Hospice is supporting this option. There is a lot about VSED on the Internet. The next day, we sang in the choir at a memorial service for Elliot Freeman, who died last month. It was one of the most well-thought-out memorial services I have ever attended - thanks I am sure to Diane, Elliot's wife. The readings, the music, what was spoken - all was revelatory of an aspect of Elliot's life and character. It was a privilege to be there. Ellen and Robin were in charge of the reception, and it was wonderful. We went right from the reception down to Brendon's birthday supper. Sunday afternoon, I attended via Zoom an Ecclesiastical Council for Matt Deen, a candidate for ordination who is pastor of the Newfane Congregational Church. An "EC" is a tradition in our denomination in which representatives from the various churches in our Association hear a presentation by the candidate and ask questions, and then vote on whether they support his (or her) ordination. Matt is very engaging, and the vote was unanimously in favor of ordination. We had bought tickets for the Brattleboro Camerata concert at 4p.m., but to attend it, I would have had to leave the Zoom session very early, so I stayed and Ellen went alone. I missed a great concert! But next Sunday I will get to hear the final Blanche Moyse Chorale concert.
Elliot Freeman
Matt Deen

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