Thursday, July 20, 2023

A quick turnaround

We had been at Oxbow Lake for about twelve hours when Ellen got an early-morning text message from Katie saying that Savanna had changed - she seemed to be in a final stage, and she would like us to be there. So we did some last-minute things, packed up, had a bit of breakfast, and left the lake. We stopped in Speculator at a store where Brendon bought some lamp oil for a lamp he had just bought, and we were on our way! We at least got to see the lake and spend a night there. It was a beautiful day - it's too bad we couldn't stay.
Wednesday morning scenes.***************** We came back via Amsterdam, NY and the NY Thruway, and were at Fisher Home by 4p.m. or so. Now, a day later, Savanna is about the same. Earlier today, three members of the group called One Journey, Helen, Dorothy and Katie - were all in the room with Savanna, who played the bass in that group. So they sang- Ellen said it was wonderful. If you want to hear One Journey go to Katie's voice stands out on the melody. Since Savanna is not conscious, the move to bring her home is cancelled. I am at the house in Shutesbury. Brendon isn't up yet. I think this stage is VERY hard for him to deal with. He doesn't want to see Savanna looking the way she does right now. Very understandable. My only companion at this point is Cloudy, who is asleep in a chair nearby out here on the porch.
Cloudy********************************** I would like to be over at Fisher Home, but Ellen doesn't want me to drive - plus, the only car here is the red Prius, and I am not that familiar with it. So Brendon will have to drive me.

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