Monday, October 4, 2021

A full Sunday

Yesterday we had a chock-full day. It started with church, which was outdoors, in-person and masked. It threatened rain, but never actually did rain, so there was no last-minute scuttling. However, I think after we left, it did start to rain, and there were probably some rapid efforts to protect electronic equipment then. The service itself was full - it was St. Francis of Assisi Day, which included the blessing of pets, and also World-Wide Communion Sunday, which highlights that people all over the world, of many nations, ethnicities, races, languages, etc., are celebrating communion. The choir sang two anthems, Des Colores, which is a Mexican folksong celebrating diversity, and Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, which is a Peter Amidon setting of a prayer attributed to St. Francis. We picked up Calvin and brought him with us to church. His opthamologist has told him he. can no longer drive. So we took him home and went directly to a Hallowell gathering at Kathy Leo's house, which was at 12:30p.m. We stopped just long enough for a slice of pizza at Allen Brothers, which is right on the way. It was a good meeting - sort of a Council of Elders to decide the future of Hallowell. Hallowell will continue, but it will involve some re-organization and adjustments. Then we went from there directly to an Installation Service for Audrey Walker, who is pastor of First Congregational Church, UCC in West Brattleboro. She has been there 3 years, but the pandemic delayed her installation. That was a service very much like the one held for Michael Mario a few weeks ago. Most of the people there were from the home church, but I think I counted at least 6 other churches represented by at least one person.
Peter Amidon leading the choir
Pastor Elisa leading the service
Shawn Bracebridge and Pastor Audrey
Key players in the Installation: l. to r, Rev. Scott COuper, Rev. SHawn Bracebridge, Moderator, Jeff, layman at First church; Pastor ELisa Lucozzi, Guilford Church, Paul Sangree, Conference Minister *************************************************************** We got sort of a blow today. A man came from our propane supplier to help us get our propane fireplace insert fixed - we couldn't get the pilot light to stay lit. When he saw the unit, he said the burner was cracked - I myself cannot see the crack - but he felt it needs to be replaced before we can use it. Fortunately, tucked under the unit was all the information he needed to order parts. But we have no idea of availability as of yet. We are missing having our cozy fireplace! We have the woodstove and electric baseboard heat, so we won't freeze to death, but we love sittiing by that fireplace. We've heard horror stories about the unavailability of things right now - due mainly to lack of workers. I hope we'll be able to use our fireplace this winter! It will be very sad if we can't.

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