Friday, January 24, 2025

Time Flies

Goodness, it has been nine days since my last post! I guess that when I just stay home and sort of futz around, there isn't much to report, and certainly not "vividly!" The big thing that happened, of course, is the Inaugeration. I don't usually report on things like that, though sometimes I do. We did watch the whole thing at home - it was broadcast on PBS. I actually started listening on the radio, and then switched to TV for the ceremony itself. It was interesting to watch if you ignored the fact that it was not a play. But if you let in the fact that all this will affect real people negatively, it was dismaying and disturbing. I have not yet determined just how to resist Trump, though last night I did send him an email through the United Church of Christ about his order to cancel "birthright citizenship," Watching the "news" in the evening now is a very different experience. He is unavoidable. There was one other big thing in our lives this past week or so - infinitely more personal and important. We were part of a small Hallowell group that went to Tom and Kathy's for a sing last Friday (1/17). Tom was in bed when we arrived, but he got up and sat in the circle with us by the woodstove, and sang along with us. It was a lovely and moving time. It was wonderful to be with him and talk. We are going through some similar experiences, but of course pancreatic cancer is way different from Parkinson's.
Tom and Terry. Tom has a walker almost exactly like mine.
Fred, Tim, Patrice, Eliza, Kathy.
Eliza, Kathy, Mary Alice, Mary Cay, Ellen.
Tom, Terry, Fred. ********************* Otherwise? Our retired clergy group met Thursday (i/16) and that evening we went to the Hallowell rehearsal. I listened to a couple of TarHeels games (they lost both by one point!). We watched church Sunday on Zoom (I just didn't feel like getting up!). Wednesday (1/22), Ellen went to a "sound bath," (dozens of "singing Bowls" of various sizes, esp.large ones), which I gather was a powerful experience. Andy Davis stayed with me while she was away (c. 4 hours), and we talked inter alia about a song Andy wrote about aging, and his and Robin's travels to various places (e.g. to the John C Campbell Folk School in North Carolina, and their trips to Ottawa, and other parts of Canada). We even got out the big atlas to look up places they had been.

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