Thursday, December 5, 2024

More snow.

Today there was to have been a gathering of our retired clergy group to discuss Wilkie and Noreen Au's Aging with Wisdom and Grace, chapter 1. But last night it snowed quite a bit - 3-4 inches anyway, and I had questions about going out at all. Lee Moore, another member of the group, also expressed concerns about the forecast. So I shared my concerns via email and eventually there was a consensus to scratch today. We will meet next Monday. So today is an unexpectedly open day. Ellen is baking cookies for the Guilford Church Christmas Bazaar, and I am the D.J. - i.e., I select CD's from the Christmas Season Box of CD's to play while Ellen works. So far, we have heard Kitka, Maddy Prior, the Boston Camerata, a CD Ellen and I made in 2004, and Peggy Seeger. A nice variety, if I say so myself. I just bought tickets for John and Cynthia, and Ellen and myself, to attend an Irish Christmas concert by John Doyle at Next Stage on Dec. 19th. That should be fun! Tomorrow we will go to a Greenfield Community College Chorus concert that Brendon is in. I suspect every day this month will have something. I will need to monitor my energy carefully.
Noreen and Wilkie Au, authors of Aging with Wisdom and Grace.
John Doyle, Irish Musician
Maddy Prior, British folk singer.

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