Sunday was a full day. We had church in the morning, followed by the annual meeting of the church (via Zoom). I think more people attended by Zoom than normally do in-person. Then we had a little time for ourselves before a 3pm Zoom meeting of the Windham-Union Association of UCC Churches. Again, the attendance was good. I'm really wondering if we'll be using Zoom even after the pandemic is over - it is much easier to go to a meeting that way. I had arranged for our guest speaker, who was Dr. Stephen Ray, President of Chicago Theological Seminary. I have gotten to know him through a Wednesday Noon session held by CTS via Zoom every week. We would never have been able to have him as a speaker in-person. So, score another win for Zoom. He spoke on the theme: What now for the church? When we invited him, we had no idea what the result of the election would be, so we left it open-ended: looking out at the world, what is the most important thing Christians should be doing in this moment? His answer? Working for justice in the public arena so that EVERYONE can thrive there. There is a lot packed into that statement, so he unpacked it, and we had a good Q&A session following. I think it was a good meeting.
Dr. Stephen Ray, President of Chicago Theological Seminary
In the evening it rained like crazy - our spring is really high now - so we listened to the radio, played Scrabble (Ellen won), and then watched The Crown on Netflix on the phone. We are burning thru data like crazy on the iPhone what with all these Zoom sessions and movies! It is our major link with the world.
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