Sunday, May 10, 2020


Today started with fixing tea and toast for Ellen and myself - it is Mother's Day after all - and then Krista Tippett and On Being. She was reading from Pema Chödröns book When Things Fall Apart, which is absolutely the right book for this time! It inspired me to pull out our copy and read parts of it this afternoon. I don't consider myself a Buddhist, but this is just profound wisdom. After On Being, I got up and got dressed for church - even though we are in our own home. Guilford Church was at 10a.m. - another wonderful service which contained the news that the Search Committee has decided on a candidate and we will be introduced to that person in two weeks, May 24th. So that is exciting. After that we listened to Shawn's service for the Dummerston Church - a much simpler service but a thoughtful sermon as usual. And then Ellen fixed pancakes and sausage - our Sunday tradition. We listened to a concert by the Brattleboro Women's Chorus led by Becky Graeber - on Zoom of course - and after that talked with Jim  and Mary on the phone, and then Paul called and we talked with both Paul and Max. So a good family day for Ellen. We worked on the Spelling Bee puzzles and took a walk. A nice Sunday!  

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