Friday, March 20, 2015

A full week

Well, where did that week go? Let's see, last Sunday I preached at the United Church of Bellows Falls, and then had lunch with John and Cynthia afterward at Joy Wah restaurant while Ellen went to another Brendon concert, this one at the Mt. Holyoke chapel. Monday, Ellen had an alto sectional rehearsal for Samson while I worked on putting together a choral group for a memorial service. Tuesday we had River Singers preceded by a soup and bread supper put on by the church where we rehearse. That was delicious. Wednesday was Concert choir and Thursday we had a double Hallowell experience -  a short, small but lovely sing for a Hospice bereavement support group, followed by a Hallowell rehearsal in Putney. That was a particularly wonderful rehearsal. After that we went to the local pub to watch UNC play Harvard in the opening round of March Madness. UNC barely avoided being knocked out but pulled out  a 67-65 win at the last second. So they will meet Arkansas tomorrow.

It was warm one day this week and sugaring began in earnest. But then it got cold again! 

              Glabach's sugar house

When we pulled into the post office parking lot, one day, I was struck by how much the driver in the car next to us looked like a poodle. I have heard that dog owners often grow to look like their dogs.

Today I've been working on putting together music for Palm Sunday and Easter, reading a powerful history of slavery John gave me for my birthday, and working on editing a chronological summary of Ellen's father's life in anticipation of the fact that April 18 will be the 100th anniversary of his birth and simultaneously the 40th anniversary of his death. We're hoping to have some sort of commemoration on that day. 

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